Baptism – what, how, who, when?


The following sermon is preached by Jim Osman, and shared by Justin Peters. Justin has a great worldwide expository preaching and teaching ministry. Many of his videos are about refuting various false beliefs, teachers and churches.

This sermon has clear scriptural teaching on what baptism is, what it symbolizes, how it should be done, and who should be baptized. Maybe you?

Some of the scripture references include:

  • Matthew 28:19: Go to all nations, make followers of Jesus (disciples), and then baptize them, and then teach them
  • Mark 1:9-10: Jesus came up out of the water after being immersed
  • John 3:23: John was baptizing people at Aenon specifically because there was a lot of water there. Not a bucket, not 6″ deep but enough to be visually immersed
  • Romans 6:3-4: Baptism is a picture of being buried with Christ, and rising with Christ to walk a new life
  • Colossians 2:12: Buried with Christ in baptism, and risen with Him. A picture of how God brings sinners from death to life – and how they die to the old life and commit to walking with Jesus, following His commandments.

The plain reading of scripture is so clear and doesn’t require mental gymnastics or university education, but simple childlike faith and obedience.

About the author

Wim Kerkhoff

Sinner saved by amazing grace. Husband. Father. Entrepreneur and empire builder.

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By Wim Kerkhoff


