CategoryBook quotes

Hypercalvinistic  Responses to Arminianism – Part 1


This article is the first in a series of excerpts from a short free book [1]by the same title, written by Bill Tanis and Paul Greendyk. In future issues we will insert more selections on how the hypercalvinistic errors show up and their consequences. Download a copy to understand more about this topic, and to equip yourself to evangelize to people who are near the narrow gate (Matthew 7:13) but...

What does it mean to choose for Jesus?


The Dutch theologian Alexander Comrie has a wonderful little book called “The A.B.C. of Faith” which describes several biblical metaphors for saving faith. Excerpted from The ABC of Faith by Alexander Comrie We should now proceed to the letter I, but we have been unable to find any particular descriptions of faith under this letter in the Dutch language. Under the letter K several...


